==Colored Text== You'll need to use the control-character "\f" (line-feed),\\ If you need to use it interactively (in-game), you'll want to know it has the ASCII-code of 12;\\ * On Linux you should be able to create it with Control-L (ingame or in an editor) or Ctrl + V and then L (on the shell) * On Windows you should be able to create it via AltGr-1-2 (numpad only!). The key combination Control-Alt can be used instead of AltGr if you don't have that key. Colorization (this also applies for CubeScript/ingame colours) works via the control-char followed by a indication character. Apart from the special cases of "\fs" and "\fr" for saving/restoring previously set colors in the current line of text you can use the following numbers to set to the respective color: * 0: green * 1: blue * 2: yellow * 3: red * 4: gray * 5: magenta * 6: orange Everything else is drawn in white.