############################################################################### # Cube 2: Sauerbraten Game Server Configuration # # Based on HopMod # # # # Visit http://piernov.org/dokuwiki/en:suckerserv:start for a full list of # # configuration variables. # # # ############################################################################### # A server name for players to identify your server. servername " 1FR 4| fBlood 3Factory" ############################################################################### # Default connection information: # Game Server socket binds to UDP # Game Server Info socket binds to UDP (28786) ############################################################################### # Server's IP address #serverip "" # Game server port. serverport 30000 # Register your server with the master server every 1 hour to appear on the public server list. publicserver 1 # Set the maximum number of client connections allowed maxclients 24 # +1 slot each spectator specslots 1 # Number of reserved connection slots for admin players # Admin use: /connect [] # Connecting admin players will have invisible admin status. reserved_slots 0 reserved_slots_password "" # Allow reserved slot usage without giving them admin privilege # Message of the day. This message is sent on player connection. motd (concatword (grey "+########\n") (grey "| ")(yellow "Bienvenue sur 1FR 4| fBlood 3Factory,\n") (grey "| ")(orange "un serveur de ") (green "la communaute francaise ")(red "Cube2.fr\n") (grey "| ")(blue "http://cube2.fr/\n") (grey "+########")) # The admin password. Same password used by all admin players to gain admin privilege, by typing /setmaster admin_password "" # The master password. Same password used by all master players to gain master privilege, by typing /setmaster . Only useful if allow_setmaster is 0 master_password "" # Uncomment and set a server password to lock the game server and require connecting players to send the server password to get access. # Note: The Cube 2 client doesn't provide a password dialog GUI: players must use the command line to connect to a server with a given password. #server_password "" # Time in ms to wait at intermession before changing map — affect also mapbattle module intermission_time 30000 # Toogles wether teamkilling the flag runner in CTF modes should disallow the teamkiller from stealing the flag ctf_teamkill_penalty true ############################################################################### # Authkey configuration for Name protection & Admin ############################################################################### admin_domains "suckerserv:admin" # Domain for admin invadmin_domains "suckerserv:admin" # Same auto_invadmin_domains "suckerserv:admin" # Same, if you want to be auto-invadmin at connection master_domains "suckerserv:master" # Domain for master invmaster_domains "suckerserv:master" # Same auto_invmaster_domains "suckerserv:master" # Same, if you want to be auto-invadmin at connection name_reservation_domain "suckerserv" # Domain for name protect auth_domains "suckerserv" # Domain for privileges with new authserver module "auth/name" # Module for name protect module "auth/invmaster" # Module for auto-invmaster module "auth/invadmin" # Module for auto-invadmin #module "auth/privileges" # New privileges module to set inv-master/admin with new authserver. Disable auth/invadmin and auth/invmaster before enabling this ############################################################################### # Jabber Bot ############################################################################### #xmpp_jid "" #xmpp_password "" #xmpp_debug 0 #xmpp_muc_jid "" #xmpp_muc_nick "SuckServ-Bot" #xmpp_muc_password "" #xmpp_bot_command_name "#" ############################################################################### # Stats ############################################################################### stats_use_sqlite 0 # Use a SQLite3 Database: default option, only if you can't connect to a MySQL server, because some functions are missing stats_use_json 0 # Use a JSON Database: very incomplete, don't use stats_use_mysql 1 # Use a MySQL Database: Best option if you have a MySQL server, otherwise, choose SQLite3 stats_query_backend mysql # Used database : mysql, sqlite3, json stats_mysql_hostname "localhost" # MySQL server hostname stats_mysql_port "3306" # MySQL server port stats_mysql_username "**********" # MySQL database username stats_mysql_password "**********" # MySQL database password stats_mysql_database "**********" # MySQL database name stats_servername "FR|BloodFactory" # Server name, for displaying in scoreboard stats_mysql_install false # Switch to false after first launch stats_use_auth 1 # Use auth with stats stats_auth_domain "suckerserv" # Domain for auth stats_overwrite_name_with_authname 1 # Replace current name with authkey's name in stats stats_tell_auth_name 1 # Display authname at intermission and when authkey is validated ############################################################################### # Map rotation ############################################################################### # Possible values for map_rotation_type include: standard, random, size map_rotation_type "random" # The map rotation lists #exec "conf/new_maps.conf" #exec "conf/maps.conf" # The server's preferred game mode default_gamemode "insta ctf" # Change back to the default game mode when the server goes empty default_game_on_empty 1 # For the next map, choose an appropiate sized map from a map rotation, depending on the number of players connected. # The small map set is used when the player count less than or equal to , else the big map set is used. small_single_game 5 small_team_game 5 ############################################################################### # Map vote restrictions ############################################################################### allow_mapvote 1 allowed_gamemodes [ "ffa" "teamplay" "instagib" "instagib team" "efficiency" "efficiency team" "tactics" "tactics teams" "capture" "regen capture" "ctf" "insta ctf" "protect" "insta protect" "hold" "insta hold" "efficiency ctf" "efficiency protect" "efficiency hold" ] # Block votes for unknown maps (known maps are released maps found in the official game distribution) mapvote_disallow_unknown_map 1 # Block votes for maps not in the game-mode's map rotation mapvote_disallow_excluded_map 1 ############################################################################### # Master restrictions ############################################################################### default_mastermode 0 # Change default mastermode allow_master_kick 2 # Allow master to kick players. 0: Disallow kick by master; 1: Allow all masters to kick players; 2: allow only authentified masters allow_setmaster 1 # Allow /setmaster 1 command to be used for gaining master allow_mastermode_veto 1 # Allow master to set veto mastermode allow_mastermode_locked 1 # Allow master to set locked mastermode allow_mastermode_private 0 # Allow master to set private mastermode ############################################################################### # Web admin configuration ############################################################################### # The web admin control panel url is http://localhost:28788/admin # There is no login required when access is through localhost # To create a new web admin user run this shell command: source bin/env.sh; bin/utils/luapp bin/utils/web_admin.lua # Copy and paste the output here into the web_admins list: web_admins ["piernov 63dc339a65ed212234bd6bc4ea54bfbcda61a5941f23ed19 zesdxqvkkqzdalc" "Aporia e67d31bd6b135fd6f26863d2141192fe3083368d78885966 xrbjifadkunhdgx"] ############################################################################### # Player Commands configuration ############################################################################### enable_commands [ cheater votekick specall unspecall maxclients uptime reload changetime players names pause resume motd cookie givemaster mute unmute me ban unban persist versus warning msg stats nextmap eval group specmsg slay recorddemo giveadmin forcespec unforcespec setnextmap traffic banlist fairgame whoisonline admin invadmin master invmaster forgive mapsucks clanwar rename disconnect info help delgban gbans spy mutespecs unmutespecs privileges version ] disable_commands [ ] ############################################################################### # Modules ############################################################################### module "stats" # Record game statistics to a database (it is needed for the stats and names commands) module "display/ownage" # Display player achievement messages module "display/awards" # Show End Stats Game of ended map during the intermission #module "detect/camping" # Name and shame players who are found to be camping module "detect/camping_penalty" # Players who are camping go in specs for 10 seconds (penality) #module "balance/teams/by_adding_bots" # Use bots to balance teams #module "balance/teams/by_moving_players" # Player moving team balancing #module "balance/teams/passive" # Player moving team when they are death and cry Balance module "balance/server_size/by_spec_count" # Increase the server capacity; depends on the spectator count #module "balance/server_size/by_mastermode" # Make server bigger when it goes into locked mode so that many more spectators can connect (default resize is 50 players) #module "balance/server_size/by_gamemode" # Increase/ Decrease server; depends on the current gamemode #module "override/gameduration" # Change the usual 10 minutes game duration to 15 minutes module "override/default_mastermode" # Change the default mastermode (to locked by default) module "recordgames" # Auto record demos of every game module "limit/inactivity" # Move inactive (dead or not moving) players to spectators #module "limit/spectating" # Disconnect spectators at "intermission", after min. 30 minutes, when server is full and they haven't been active in chat for 5 minutes module "limit/ping" # Move lagging players to spectators after 2 warnings #module "gamemode/no_ties" # Prevent ties by continouse increasing the maptime by one minute until there is a clear ranking order (it is needed for the noties command) #module "gamemode/suddendeath" # Like no ties, but it stops the game, immediately, when a team scores one more time (it is needed for the suddendeath btw. sd and nosd commands) #module "jabber/lua_jabber_bot" # A ugly and unstable Jabber Bot #module "name_lock" # Prevent players from renaming module "mute_spectators" # Mute all spectators, requiered for #mutespecs and #unmutespecs commands module "mapbattle" # Vote for map at intermission ############################################################################### #IRC MODULES ############################################################################### irc_socket_password "suckerserv_python_bot_pass" module "irc/python_bot" # Required for the external irc-bot, dont forget to set a connection pass above! #After that you need to configure the config.py file. You can find it in the /python_bot folder. Have fun! ################################################################################# # Message customization ################################################################################# # Take the message's var you want customize from script/modules/declare/messages.vars # Exemple: There's a "global forgive_actor_forgiven_message" in messages.vars # So the line to put here, for exemple, is → forgive_actor_forgiven_message (concat "You've been forgiven by" (blue "%s"))