===== Supported Operating Systems ===== * Linux * FreeBSD \\ \\ \\ ===== Required Dependencies ===== ^ Name ^ Description ^ Download page URL ^ Ubuntu Package ^ ArchLinux Package ^ | GCC/G++ | Gnu C Compiler with C++ support | [[http://gcc.gnu.org/|Homepage]] | build-essential | base-devel | | CMake | Build system | [[http://www.cmake.org/cmake/resources/software.html|Download]] | cmake | cmake | | GeoIP (optional) | IP address to country lookup database | [[http://www.maxmind.com/app/c|Download]] | libgeoip-dev | geoip | | SQLite3 | Database engine | [[http://www.sqlite.org/download.html|Download]] | libsqlite3-dev | sqlite | | ZLib | Data compression library | [[http://zlib.net/|Homepage]] | zlib1g-dev | zlib | | Git | Open source version control system | [[https://git-scm.com/|Homepage]] | git | git | | MySQL (optional) | Open source database | [[http://www.mysql.fr/downloads/mysql/|Download]] | libmysqlclient-dev | libmariadbclient | | OpenSSL | Open source implementation of SSL/TLS | [[http://www.openssl.org/source/|Download]] | libssl-dev | openssl | | Boost | Provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries. | [[http://www.boost.org/|Homepage]] | libboost-all-dev | boost | ===== Download the Source Code ===== svn checkout http://suckerserv.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ suckerserv But suckerserv is no more updated on google code, the new commits are made on github, so to download that new one : git clone https://github.com/SuckerServ/suckerserv.git ===== Build and Install ===== cd suckerserv/suckerserv-v5 chmod +x compile.sh ./compile.sh ===== Configuration ===== The server configuration file exists at **//conf/server.conf//**. === Main Server Variables === ^ Name ^ Default Value ^ Description ^ | servername | "SuckerServ-v5" | A name to identify your server that will appear on the server browser | | serverip | "" | Game server listen address | | serverport | 28785 | Game server listen port | | publicserver | 1 | Register the server on the sauerbraten.org masterserver to appear on the server list | | maxclients | 8 | Maximum number of client connections | | specslots | 0 | Switch to 1 to increase maxclients for each spectators | | reserved_slots | 1 | Number of reserved slots for admin | | reserved_slots_password | "" | Password for reserved slots without giving admin privilege | | motd | "" | Message Of The Day, sent on player connection | | admin_password | "" | Used to gain admin status in-game by typing /setmaster . (See alternative: [[en:suckerserv:auth|Authkey authentification]]) | | master_password | "" | Used to gain master status in-game by typing /setmaster . Only useful if /setmaster 1 isdisallowed (See alternative: [[en:suckerserv:auth|Authkey authentification]]) | | server_password | "" | Used to prevent player connection without giving a password | | intermission_time | 30000 | Time to wait at intermission before loading next map | | ctf_teamkill_penalty | true | Toggles wether teamkilling the flagrunner disallow the teamkiller from stealing the flag | === Game Customization Variables === ^ Name ^ Default Value ^ Description ^ | default_gamemode | "ffa" | The game mode used for the first game | | default_game_on_empty | 1 | Switch back to default game mode when the server goes empty | | allowed_gamemodes | | List of acceptable game modes that players can vote for | | allow_mapvote | 1 | Ban map voting by setting this var to 0 | | use_best_map_size | 0 | Next map is chosen for its appropriate size based on the number of players | | use_server_random_maprotation | 0 | Next map is randomly chosen | | mapvote_disallow_unknown_map | 1 | Disallow map votes for maps not found in the current game-mode's map rotation list | The map rotation lists are located in **//conf/maps.conf//** and **//conf/new_maps.conf//** [[en:suckerserv:exemple|Server Configuration Exemples]] ===== Startup and Shutdown ===== ./bin/server To immediately shutdown the server: ./bin/server stop ===== Support ===== If you're having any problems installing or configuring SuckerServ feel free to drop by our IRC channel at **#suckerserv** on the **Gamesurge** IRC network and we'll help you out (**#suckerserv@irc.gamesurge.net**), or our Jabber room at **[[http://jappix.piernov.org/?r=suckerserv|suckerserv@salons.piernov.org]]**.