Table des matières


Server Events

Name and Parameters Description
shutdown(type) Type constants: server.SHUTDOWN_NORMAL, server.SHUTDOWN_RESTART, server.SHUTDOWN_RELOAD
reloadhopmod() Server scripts are about to be reloaded.
maintenance() Signaled once per day for maintenance tasks.

Game Events

Name and Parameters Description
finishedgame() Signaled just before map change.
timeupdate(minsleft) Signaled once per minute.
setnextgame() This event gives you the chance to set <tt>server.next_mode</tt> and <tt>server.next_map</tt> vars.
mapchange(map, mode) New game
votepassed(map, mode) A majority number of players voted for a map change.
beginrecord(id, filename) Game is being recorded to a demo file
endrecord(id, filesize)

Bot-specific Events

Name and Parameters Description
addbot(admin, skill, owner)

Player Events

Name and Parameters Description
connect(cn) New client has connected
disconnect(cn) Client has disconnected.
failedconnect(ip, reason) Client was unable to connect to the server for some reason.
kick(cn, bantime, admin, reason) Player has been kicked.
active(cn) Player is active in the game (sending position packets). Signalled once per game.
rename(cn, oldname, newname) Player has renamed.
reteam(cn, oldteam, newteam) Player has changed team.
chteamrequest(cn, curteam, newteam) Player wants to move to another team. Return -1 to reject the request.
text(cn, msg) Player sent a chat message.
sayteam(cn, msg) Player sent a chat message to his team.
spectator(cn, value) Player joined or left spectators.
mapvote(cn, map, mode)
mapcrcfail(cn) Player has modified map.
masterchange(cn, value) Player gained or lost master/admin privilege.
setmastermode(cn, oldmm, newmm) Player changed the server master mode.

Game-specific Events

Name and Parameters Description
shot(cn, gun, hits)
frag(actor, target) Actor(CN) fragged target(CN).
teamkill(actor, target) Actor(CN) team killed target(CN). Signalled instead of frag event.