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Server-side player commands supported by SuckerServ servers.

Command Syntax

#<command> <argument>
argument: word | "text" | [text]

Common Parameters

<cn>: Client number

A client number, every player connected to the server is uniquely assigned one of these numbers; commands which target players require a CN argument. Client numbers are shown on the scoreboard window for master and admin players, normal players can enable the CN column by typing /showclientnums 1 into their console.

Public Commands


Repeats the server name and motd.


Shows how long the server has been running.


Display your statistics (frags, deaths, accuracy etc.) for the current game. This command is useful because it displays variables not shown in the scoreboard window.

#stats total

displays your cumulative statistics of all the games you've played on the server. Player records are identified by player name alone, for an unmixed record be sure to choose a distinctive player name.


List player countries.


List players and their stats.


Tells you what the next map will be. The usefulness of the command depends on the server configuration, it only works when the server is configured to use a static server-side map rotation.


Display your team kill statistics and information on the server's team kill limit configuration.

#cheater <cn>

Will make a log entry and IRC bot will post a message in IRC_monitor_channel. The cmd is for reporting cheaters on server!

#votekick <cn>

Vote to kick a player.

Master Commands

#givemaster <cn>

Hand over master privilege to another player.

#names <cn>

List previously used names of a player; players are identified by IP address.

#msg <text>

Send a global message.

#playermsg <cn|name> <text>

Send a message to a player.

#specmsg <text>

Send a message to spectators.

#addbot [<low>] [<high>]

Add a bot to the game with optional low/high levels.

Admin Commands

#giveadmin <cn>

Give a player admin.

#rankgame <mode> <map> <countdown(secs)>

Execute the rank game sequence.

#maxclients <number>

Resize the server's player capacity.

#motd <text>

Set the server motd.


Reload server scripts and configuration.

#mute <cn>

Block chat messages coming from a player.

#unmute <cn>

Unblock chat messages coming from a player.


Make all players join spectators.


Make all players leave spectators.

#forcespec <cn|name>

Make a player join the spectators.

#unforcespec <cn|name>

Make a player unjoin the spectators.


Pause the game.


Resume the game.

#1on1 <player1cn> <player2cn> <gamemode> <mapname>

Prepare server for a 1on1 game. <gamemode> = insta (instagib) ffa (ffa/default) eff (efficiency) icft (insta ctf) instateam (instagibteam)

#versus <player1cn> <player2cn> <gamemode> <mapname>

Same as #1on1? (please confirm)

#effic <player1cn> <player2cn>

Start an efficiency game. (please confirm)

#insta <player1cn> <player2cn>

Start an instagib game. (please confirm)

#group <tag> <team>

Group players with matching tag name on to the same team.

#kick <cn> <reason>

Kick a player from the server without banning them.

#ban <cn> <time> <time-unit> <reason>

Ban a player from the server for a certain amount of time.

#warning <cn|name> <text>

Send a player a warning.


Enable sudden death mode.


Disable sudden death mode.

#persist <1|0>

Enable/disable persistent teams at mapchange.

#changetime <minutes> [<seconds>]

Change remaining time in the round.

#forcemap <mode> <map> <time>

Forces the map and gamemode to change, with the round lasting a certain amount of time.

#eval <code>

Execute Cubescript.

en/suckerserv/commands.1308864103.txt.bz2 · Dernière modification : 2014/05/31 00:26 (modification externe)

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