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Python Irc Bot


In suckerserv/python_bot, you will find a file called config.py. With this file, you will configurate your bot.

Irc identity

Nom Valeur par défaut Description
servername gamesurge Name of the irc server (GameSurge, Freenode,…)
host Ip address of the irc server
port 6667 Connection port of the irc server
channels #suckerserv Irc channel where the bot will stay connected
default_channel #suckerserv You can control your irc bot only on this channel


Name Valeur par défaut Description
name server1 Name of the gameserver on irc
host localhost Ip address of the gameserver
password Password that you have writen in server.conf (python bot part
format \00301%s\003 Color of the irc gameserver name


To use the bot commands, you need to be an operator (op). To use a command, you just need to write “.servername <command>”

example: my servername is suckerserv, i write: .suckerserv pause

en/suckerserv/pythonbot.1309372174.txt.bz2 · Dernière modification : 2014/05/31 00:26 (modification externe)

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